Monks Kirby Village Hall

Monks Kirby Village Hall

​Here in Monks Kirby, we are extremely proud of our village hall. Over the last few years we have worked hard to raise funds and with the support of volunteers have done incredible work to improve the village hall so it is a warm, welcoming and functional space for our community to use. It has been lovely to see so many locals using the hall for a wide range of private events as well as it hosting classes and groups.

We have a lively and hard working group of volunteers who form our Village Hall Committee and are always keen to welcome new members. ​
If you are interested in joining the Village Hall Committee or have any ideas for clubs and events please contact any of the committee members listed below or email


Our very popular Sunday Social and Games will be returning on Sunday 5th January, come along and learn a new games or bring a favourite to share 5.30pm on the 1st Sunday of the month

​Monks Kirby Christmas Tree light switch on will take place on Sunday 1st December 5pm, join us for a mince pie and mulled wine on the village green (in front of the Denbigh Arms) ​

​Monks Kirby Revellers Panto !!

This years panto is Cinderella ..

Performance Dates:

7.30pm Friday 31st January 2025

2.30pm and 7.30pm Saturday 1st February

Watch this space for details with tickets going on sale January 2025. Adults £10 – Children £5


  • Gardening Club 7:15pm – 3rd Monday of the month.
  • WI 7:30pm – 3rd Tuesday of the month.
  • ​ Village Hall Committee 7.00pm – 2nd Monday of Month
  • Parish Council 6.30pm – 2nd Tuesday of the month.
  • Jive Dance class 7.30pm – 9.30pm every Thursday For more details please contact 07737875569 or
  • email
  • Sunday Social & Games 5.30pm – 1st Sunday of the month. Jan – May
  • Art Club 6.30 – 8.30pm 2nd Wednesday of the month. For more details contact Karen 07776986981

Village Hall News

Following on from the refurbishment of our hall we would like to thank the Parish Council for a grant towards some fabulous new tables and chairs. The new chairs are certainly more comfortable than our old plastic ones. Feedback on the new furniture has been really positive.​

​Welcome to Debs Woods who is our newest member, we are thrilled she will be joining us and bringing lots of new ideas and enthusiasm.

​Thank you to all of those who contribute to the village hall in many ways. whether it’s taking care of the garden, putting out the bins, filling the dog bowl, doing repairs, watering the hanging baskets, delivering flyers and many more important tasks. You know who you are and we couldn’t do it without you.

200 Club

Our Monks Kirby 200 Club is an important and regular source of income for our village hall and we are lucky that it is generally well supported by our local community.

However from time to time we have some numbers that are unsold, so if you don’t have a number and would like support our village hall or already have a number but would be happy to have another ..

PLEASE contact any of our committee who will be more than delighted to hear from you.

Subscription to our 200 club only costs £12 per year (£1 a month) Each month we draw out 8 lucky winners who receive cash prices ranging from £5 – £40 . We post the list of winners on the village hall notice board.

Don’t delay … get in touch today, and you could be one of our winners next month !!

Booking our Village Hall

Monks Kirby village hall is available to all for hire.

Please click here to view the booking calendar for availability.

​For bookings or queries please email


Private hire £15 p/h

Villagers £10 p/h

Organisations £20-40p p/h

(dependent on facilities required)

​Terms of hire are available here​


​Copies of our constitution and policies are all available in the village hall or upon request.

Village Hall Committee

Glynis Washington – Chair

Karen Lawlor – Secretary

Sarah Hicks – Treasurer

Nia Evans – 200 Club

Simone Collins

Ellie Tomlin

Deb Woods

Lu Woolridge (PC Representative)