Monks Kirby Parish Council

Monks Kirby Parish Council Meeting


About Monks Kirby Parish Council

Monks Kirby Parish Council comprises 6 elected councillors and a Parish Clerk – see below. The Council meets monthly in the Village Hall on the second Tuesday of the month. Meetings start at 6.30pm and generally last around 2 hours. All members of the Parish are welcome to attend and each meeting starts with a short public participation session to allow parishioners the opportunity to raise issues of concern/interest. The formal agenda for each meeting is published 3 days in advance of the meeting and is posted on this website and on the Parish Council notice board

Paul Woods

Parish Councillor (Chair)

Louise Partridge

Parish Councillor (Vice-chair)

John Dalby

Parish Councillor

Dr Keith Edgar

Parish Councillor (Chair)

Louise Woolridge

Parish Councillor

Helen Varah

Parish Councillor

Pete Clegg

Parish Clerk / RFO
Parish Council Documents

To view documentation relating to governance of the Parish Council, previous meeting minutes, and Audit Documentation please click HERE

Monks Kirby Parish Boundary